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The Journey of Building WEBtechSupport

The idea of WEBtechSupport (WtS) stemmed from my experiences regarding the fluctuating nature of income as a contract web developer. The erratic ups and downs in earnings left me feeling uneasy, longing for a more stable and predictable source of income akin to a regular salary. I pondered over the notion of offering my services at a slightly lower rate in exchange for a consistent and steady income stream. This idea was not merely a means to mitigate the uncertainties of freelance work but also a strategic move towards establishing financial stability and security in my career.

Driven by a desire for stability, I embarked on a journey to transform this idea into a viable business model. Through meticulous planning and strategic thinking, I conceptualised the framework for WTS, envisioning it as a platform that would not only provide technical support but also offer peace of mind to both clients and myself.

As I delved deeper into the intricacies of the business landscape, I realised the immense potential of offering technical support services to small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) struggling to navigate the complexities of website management and digital marketing. This realisation served as a catalyst, fueling my determination to bring WtS to life.

With a clear vision, I set out to build WtS from the ground up, pouring my heart and soul into every aspect of its development. From defining the service offerings to crafting the pricing structure, every decision was carefully considered to ensure alignment with my overarching goal of achieving financial stability while providing exceptional value to clients.